My Training

I have always been interested in understanding people and the effect their environment has on them, and graduated from Middlesex University with a BA (Hons) degree in Sociology in 1995.


I graduated from the Meridian Yoga Teacher Training Course as a yoga teacher in 2018 with a 200 hour qualification and I loved it so much I went back for more! I'm in the process of obtaining my 500 hour qualification and then of registering with the Independent Yoga Network. I'm fully insured to teach Yoga through my Shiatsu Society membership.

On the Meridian Yoga Teacher Training course I learned Yoga history and philosophy and how to apply it to life today. I learned the foundational principles of Yoga asanas, underpinning my practice with safety and confidence. I learned how to approach my practice with curiosity which embeds an exploratory quality in all that I do. I learned how to adapt my teaching to the needs of individual students, how to support my students to progress and above all how to support them to stay safe and have confidence in their practice.

My wonderful teacher Annie Cryar is the Principal of the Shiatsu College Hastings. She has been teaching for over 40 years, and her extensive knowledge and experiential way of teaching means that her students learn to integrate theory and practice in a visceral way. I will always remain positively influenced by her.


I completed the professional Shiatsu Practitioner Diploma course at Shiatsu College Hastings in 2014 and obtained MrSS (Member of the Professional Practitioners Register of the Shiatsu Society) status upon graduation. I'm fully insured through my Shiatsu Society membership.

I'm a practitioner of Zen Shiatsu which means I diagnose and treat the energetic condition that presents itself in the moment. I'm also qualified to diagnose and treat the energetic condition using Traditional Chinese Medicine theory and this gives me a hugely comprehensive understanding of symptoms of disease and how to navigate to health and wellbeing. I've also studied Western anatomy, physiology and pathology and have a deep understanding of how the body works. Last but not least I learned to enhance my own wellbeing and personal development, a wonderfully life-affirming daily habit that will remain with me forever.

The Shiatsu College, established in 1986, is one of the most well-respected Shiatsu schools in the UK. They are dedicated to the exploration and learning of Shiatsu, energy work, Qigong and associated studies.

The College's professional Shiatsu Practitioner Diploma course is unique in the UK in being nationally accredited with Laser Learning Awards, as well as being fully ratified by the Shiatsu Society (UK). Graduates of the Diploma course gain credits that are recognised by employers and educational establishments.

Each Branch has a teaching team of experienced, highly qualified Shiatsu practitioners registered as Teachers with the Shiatsu Society. With individual regular professional development and mentoring, teachers maintain the highest international standards of practice.

The lineage stems directly from the Japanese tradition of Shiatsu pioneers Pauline Sasaki and Shizuto Masunaga and the College's Founder teachers have a wide international reputation. In 1986 they were: Clifford Andrews, Nicola Ley, Carola Beresford-Cooke and Paul Lundberg and they remain a vital part of the team. Their development and support ensures that Shiatsu College standards remain exceptionally high – they particularly now focus on Post-graduate development and Residential courses. Between them they are the authors of a number of key Shiatsu study texts and e-learning initiatives.

The Meridian Yoga Teacher Training course is recognised by the Independent Yoga Network, approved by The Shiatsu College, accredited by Laser Learning Awards and is in the process of applying for British Wheel of Yoga Approved School status. Uniquely, students are able to graduate from this programme and continue to a Government recognised Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training, enabling them to pursue a teaching career.

Yoga Image Credit - Elina Sazonova